When you arrive on Sunday morning at Charity you’re going to immediately feel a warm feeling as if you were home. We Are Family! Be on the lookout for our friendly volunteer team that’s ready to assist you in any way necessary. Your first stop should be the "NEW HERE" station. There you can pick up a small pamphlet that will help you navigate your first day with us.

#1 If you have children ages birth-5th grade that plan to participate in Adventure kids or Acres, please stop by the check-in station and ensure they’re registered for today’s service.

#2 Swing by the cafe if you’d like a free cup of coffee.

#3 Make your way to the main Sanctuary, settle in and prepare yourself for a high-energy, Spirit-led, uplifting worship experience. We strongly believe in family and that is why we have chosen to include our children ages K-5th grade in our worship service. Immediately following the music and worship, kids grade K-5th will be dismissed to Adventure Cove and Junior High students will be dismissed to Xenox. All children participating in age specific ministries are required to be checked-in prior to service. You can take your nursery aged babies directly to the nursery as it operates through the entirety of the service. Our nursery leaders will minister to your babies and contact you if your presence is required. 

We are so happy you'll be joining us. Our main priority is that you experience the presence of God and His loving people!

We Are Family!